Software Documentation Part2

Software Documentation Part2

This post will discuss the importance, limitations, and different types of software documentation created for different audiences.

Software Documentation Limitation

The majority of process documents are tailored to a specific moment or phase of the process. As a result, these documents become quickly out of date and obsolete. However, they should be kept in development because they may be useful in the future for similar tasks or maintenance.

Documentation Is Essential

  • It allows new users to quickly learn how to use the software, simplifies the product, and reduces support costs.
  • It aids in knowledge transfer to other developers who may wish to modify or maintain the software.
  • It assists in keeping track of all aspects of an application and improves software product quality.

Here are some examples of software documentation types created for various audiences:

End User Documentation: This refers to documentation written specifically for end users. It should explain in as few words as possible how the software can help users solve their problems. Many large customer-based products replace some parts of user documentation, such as tutorials and onboarding, with onboarding training. Furthermore, online delivery of user documentation is becoming increasingly popular. Technical writers must be more creative when creating user documentation for the web. The following sections should be included in online end-user documentation:

  • Video demonstrations
  • In-built assistance
  • Help Portals

Technical documentation: Entails the documentation of software source codes, algorithms, APIs, and so on. It is typically written for a technical audience, such as software developers, technicians, and maintenance engineers. Technical documentation in software engineering is an umbrella term for all written documents and materials dealing with the development of software products. All software development products, whether developed by a small team or a large corporation, necessitate some level of documentation.

Architecture Documentation: Specifies the high-level architecture of the software system under development. May describe the system's main components, their roles and functions, as well as the data and control flow between those components. The main architectural decisions are included in software architecture design documents. We do not recommend listing everything, but rather focusing on the most important and difficult ones. The following information sections make up an effective design and architecture document.

Requirements Documentation: Usually created at the start of a software development project. The goal is to clearly and precisely specify the expectations for the software being developed. During the analysis phase of the SDLC, the requirements for software development are created and documented. The requirements are a description of the functionality of a software application that is used throughout the software development process to explain how the software is supposed to work.


Documentation is an important part of the software development process because it makes it easier for users to use new software and also helps transfer knowledge to another developer who may want to modify the software.